Meringue of dessert associated with Italian, Swiss and French cuisine
Meringue is a type of dessert, often associated with Italian, Swiss and French cuisine, and is usually made with scrambled egg whites, sugar, and sometimes an acidic ingredient such as lemon, vinegar, or cream of tartar.
You can also add a binding agent such as salt, flour, or gelatin to eggs.
The key to forming a good meringue is the formation of stiff peaks by denaturing the egg protein (a protein in the egg white) by mechanical shearing.
The meringue is often flavored with vanilla, a small amount of apple juice, or orange juice.

Serve this dessert cold with ice cream and garnish with cream and fruit.
Meringue is one of the delicious and delicious sweets that adults and children love, and it is one of the most famous sweets, and its fame expanded when it moved to the Arab world.
The most distinctive thing about meringue is its wonderful shape, and it can be prepared in many ways, flavors and colors.
It can be prepared with lemon, chocolate, or vanilla, and it can be dyed with food colors to give it a wonderful color.
The meringue is easy to prepare, and it is inexpensive because all its ingredients are constantly available in the kitchen.

Meringue is one of the types of Western desserts and the traditional and main ingredients in preparing meringues are egg white and sugar, but there is nothing wrong with some additives that give more flavor to the meringue, such as vanilla, and adding some ingredients such as lemon juice makes the meringue more solid, so meringue is of course a fragile dessert that melts This is one of the characteristics of the meringue in the mouth when consumed, but the more solid the meringue, the greater its storage period and its ability to hold for a longer period, and the meringue used to decorate the cake must be somewhat tough.

Meringue candy is a dessert rich in calories and carbohydrates and therefore eating large quantities of meringue sweets has a negative effect on health, especially with the presence of some diseases such as diabetes, and below is a table showing the nutritional value of 100 grams of meringue sweets.

Meringue is a dessert high in calories and sugar. It contains a high percentage of simple sugars and poor in its nutritional component and its nutritional values of minerals and vitamins. It may be a source of proteins and carbohydrates, but it is not recommended to eat them in high quantities.

Meringue and Diabetics:
- It is not recommended for a diabetic to add meringue sweets to his daily menu, because it contains simple sugars and high calories.
- One serving of meringue contains 33g of carbohydrates, which is more than two servings.
Meringue and heart patients:
- Meringue desserts are high in simple sugars and calories, making it undesirable for heart patients.
- Numerous studies have proven the danger that eating simple sugars in abundance poses to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Meringue and pregnant women:
- Pregnant women are allowed to eat calculated servings of this high-calorie and high-sugar dessert.
- One serving of it contains approximately 139 calories, which may make you vulnerable to weight gain if you eat a high amount of it.

Meringue candy is a delicious and delicious dessert that provides the body with energy. This type of candy does not cause significant weight gain, but moderation is preferred in eating sugars in general.
The delicious meringue dessert with its varied colors sends joy and joy when you see its colors and its delicious taste is eaten alone or in addition to other desserts.