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Emoji –Alkhair

by teem online 14 Oct 2020

Emoji –Alkhair

Emoji- Alkhair products have wonderful features, the different flavors Emoji- Alkhair tea have special magicians, and every sip takes you to a magical world of calm and relaxation.


Tea is one of the most consumed hot drinks in the world, due to its refreshing, delicious taste, cheapness and speed of preparation that does not exceed a few minutes compared to other drinks, and tea is many types, including green tea, black or red tea, as well as white tea, but the tea is red tilted to Brown is the most used, especially among Arab and Asian peoples, and the original home of the tea goes back to China and then moved from it to India, England, Indonesia, Japan, Australia, Russia, Canada and others.


Tea is one of the most consumed hot drinks in the world


Health Benefits of Tea:

 Tea of ​​all kinds contains a high percentage of antioxidants, which makes it very effective in resisting various cancerous tumors, especially breast, ovarian, pancreatic, lung, colon, esophagus and stomach cancer, as this drink stimulates the performance of the immune system in the body, especially green tea. Tea is useful in treating all three types of liver disease, especially if it is taken in combination with drug therapy. Tea containing caffeine helps stimulate diuresis and rid the body of fluid that has accumulated and trapped inside. It also expels toxins, sand deposits and infections in the urinary tract with it.

Tea of ​​all kinds contains a high percentage of antioxidants


The tea increases the secretion of sweat, and thus toxins are expelled from the body through the pores of the skin. Drinking all kinds of tea reduces harmful cholesterol in the blood, which means reducing the chances of developing cardiovascular disease, in addition to its proven benefit in rapidly lowering high blood pressure. Drinking tea increases the metabolism and metabolism of fats, which leads to an increase in energy production, burning calories in the body, and weight loss. Green or black tea protects against diabetes, especially if it is consumed regularly without adding sugar to it.

Drinking tea increases alertness and mental activity and combats lethargy and drowsiness to contain it the theanine acid, which stimulates nerve conductors in the brain, helps alertness and increases brain activity.


 Tea fights tooth decay because it is rich in fluoride, which is resistant to tooth decay, in addition to the presence of astringents that rid the teeth of harmful bacteria.

Tea is useful in treating diarrhea because it contains astringents. Drinking tea helps to feel relaxed and lowers the levels of the hormone cortisol by a high rate, which reduces the rate of nervous tension significantly and directly.

Given the importance of tea alone, its importance is doubled by the addition of cardamom or ginger. Therefore, Emoji -Alkhair products provide these wonderful products from Emoji –Alkhair.


Given the importance of tea alone, its importance is doubled by the addition of cardamom or ginger. Therefore, Emoji -Alkhair products provide these wonderful products from Emoji –Alkhair.


Ginger tea:

Our world is moving at such a fast pace that we are always busy. Working hours are long and sometimes we work late at night. So, we need some relaxation from time to time.

Ginger is a traditional home medicine used to boost the body's defenses.  Its uses range from treating sore throats and chest cough to stomach upset and nausea . So we think that a cup of herbal tea with spicy ginger flavor is exactly what you need after a long day. It is also suitable for eating dried fruits to help you regain your energy and vitality.

After a cold in the winter there might not be anything better than drinking hot ginger tea. However, there are mistakes that a person often makes when preparing tea, which makes him lose its benefits and effectiveness. Know these mistakes to avoid when making this tea.


Ginger tea:  Our world is moving at such a fast pace that we are always busy


Ginger tea is effective against overeating. As tea induces a feeling of warmth from the inside, drinking it before eating helps digestion, and drinking it before meals stimulates the appetite, especially in the elderly.

Benefits of ginger tea to drink every morning:

1 - A good natural remedy for migraine headaches ginger contains anti-inflammatory substances that play an important role in treating headache and migraine symptoms as it helps to stop the synthesis of prostaglandins that cause inflammation and pain and lead to headaches as well as vomiting and nausea, so when you feel a headache or migraine, eat a cup of Warm ginger tea

2- It treats coughs and colds, sore throats, ginger helps speed recovery from a cough, and it has antihistamine qualities and thus it also helps to treat allergies as well as treat cold and sore throat, and to get quick results, drink ginger tea twice daily.

It treats coughs and colds, sore throats, ginger helps speed recovery from a cough, and it has antihistamine qualities and thus it also helps to treat allergies as well as treat cold and sore throat, and to get quick results, drink ginger tea twice daily.

3- It helps to treat kidney infections. Ginger contains a volatile oil that is considered a powerful antibiotic in addition to its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial qualities and thus it has effective results in eliminating and treating kidney infection, drink ginger tea in the morning and in the evening in addition to the medical treatment that it prescribes for you.

4- Relieve menstrual pain. Ginger contains ginger that impedes the secretion of hormones, and thus it helps relieve pain associated with menstruation. It also helps relieve cramps that occur to women during the menstrual period. Drink a cup of ginger tea daily two or three days before the onset of menstruation.


5- Increase the health of the digestive system Ginger contains a high percentage of antioxidants and it plays a very important role in the ease of digestion and absorption of food in the digestive system. It also helps to break down the protein that you eat in the food to facilitate the absorption process and protect the stomach from ulcers by stimulating secretion Mucus. If you suffer from indigestion or stomach problems, drink a cup of ginger tea to overcome digestive problems.

Increase the health of the digestive system Ginger contains a high percentage of antioxidants and it plays a very important role in the ease of digestion and absorption of food in the digestive system


6- It protects against some types of cancer. Recent research has shown that ginger has the ability to stimulate the process of cell suicide as well as inhibits the work of molecules that lead to the occurrence of cancer, and it also helps to prevent some types of cancer, the most important of which is ovarian cancer, and in order to obtain this benefit from ginger Drink a cup of ginger tea daily every morning.


7- It helps treat arthritis. The anti-inflammatory substances present in ginger root help reduce pain associated with inflammation, such as arthritis, and drinking ginger tea helps relieve muscle pain.

8- It acts as an appetite suppressant. If you suffer from a lack of appetite, you should know that drinking a cup of ginger tea in the morning or in the afternoon helps a lot to open the appetite, as ginger helps in the secretion of gastric juice and thus helps to speed up the digestion of food and open the appetite. It helps clean the stomach from toxins.

It acts as an appetite suppressant. If you suffer from a lack of appetite

9- Stimulating blood circulation: Ginger is known to be one of the most important herbs that help increase heart health, and studies have shown that ginger prevents the formation of blood clots as it helps improve blood circulation and helps reduce the harmful cholesterol in the blood.


Stimulating blood circulation: Ginger is known to be one of the most important herbs that help increase heart health


Cardamom tea:

Cardamom or cardamom is one of the herbs and spices that improve the taste and flavor of food, as well as it has many health benefits, it helps regulate blood pressure and boosts immunity as well as effective in fighting various body problems.

  • Cardamom tea benefits Anti-bacterial:

Cardamom tea helps fight bacteria and helps the body to heal wounds and pimples.


Cardamom tea helps fight bacteria and helps the body to heal wounds and pimples.
  • It improves blood circulation

Cardamom contains 77% of iron, which helps your body to improve blood flow easily, which is good for those suffering from anemia.


  • Cardamom tea benefits heart health

Cardamom contains a lot of potassium, which helps maintain blood pressure and other cardiovascular functions. If you have high blood pressure, you should drink cardamom tea daily to keep you fit and healthy.


Cardamom contains a lot of potassium, which helps maintain blood pressure and other cardiovascular functions. If you have high blood pressure, you should drink cardamom tea daily to keep you fit and healthy.
  • It helps in losing weight

Cardamom contains many vitamins that help increase the rate of burning in your body, if the rate of burning of fat in your body is low and you are facing greater problems, then you should drink this tea regularly, as it helps to burn fat easily and provide energy to the body.


Cardamom contains many vitamins that help increase the rate of burning in your body, if the rate of burning of fat in your body is low and you are facing greater problems, then you should drink this tea regularly, as it helps to burn fat easily and provide energy to the body.
  • Good for oral health

Cardamom kills germs and bacteria in the mouth, as well as its smell helps improve mouth odor, and you can use it as a mouth freshener.

Also, other multi-purpose products, such as     Cappuccino

Cardamom kills germs and bacteria in the mouth, as well as its smell helps improve mouth odor, and you can use it as a mouth freshener.

That is why our site   offers you the most wonderful    products.


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