(Honey) Bee's honey
(Honey) Bee's honey
Honey is the saliva of bees, a sweet substance that bees extract from their stomachs from what they collect from the nectar of flowers, and it is an important food that contains sugars, most of which are mono, yeasts, amino acids, various vitamins and minerals.
Honey bee is made from floral nectar that bee workers collect from the various flowers scattered in the borders of the pastures around the apiary, and after this nectar is transformed through partial digestion and moisture reduction processes into a sugary liquid, it is stored in the hexagonal eyes and sealed with wax covers.

The purpose of storing it is to provide it as food for the hive, for brood and to endure the winter, and the honey produced by bees living free in nature is usually called wild honey, and the FAO classifies it among the list of non-wood forest products.
When flowers are not available in the fields adjacent to the apiary, the bees are forced to collect honeydew honey bee hives from the honeydew secretions of some insects of the sympathetic order, such as aphids and scale insects.

Honey is known to most people as an important food for the human body and health. It has also been approved by modern, cultural heritage regarding the fact that honey bee feeder is a natural antibiotic and tonic for the human body (it strengthens the immune system that resists all the diseases that attack it), and has proven properties in the treatment of burns, wounds and many other diseases.

Bee honey contains 7 to 15 amino acids, the most important of which are:
- Phenylalanine acid
- Proline acid
- Tyrosine acid
- Thyronine acid
- Alanine acid
- Flutamic acid
- Sarin acid
- Isoleucine acid
- Histidine acid
- Valine acid
- Leucine acid
- L-arginine
- Phosin acid
- Spartan acid
- Cysteine
- Methionine acid
- Aromatine acid
The most important vitamins in honey:
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin B3
- Vitamin B4
- Vitamin B5
- Vitamin B6
- vitamin C
- Vitamin B8
- Vitamin B9
- Carotene
Honey also has aromatic oils that give it a special smell and taste, but these essential oils may be lost when honey is heated and pasteurized, and honey has other materials such as pollen and a little wax and colorants such as chlorophyll - nitophyll - thiocyanine, and there may also be nanin, as it contains Some mineral salts such as iron, copper and manganese.
Natural honey is not perishable and does not need to be kept in the refrigerator. It only needs to be kept in an airtight container and stored at normal room temperature. Because honey naturally contains fructose, it is 25% sweeter than table sugar. Honey is formed when a bee mixes flower nectar with its enzymes in the waxy disc openings and dries it with air released by the movement of its wings. The color, taste, and texture of the honey depend on the flowers from which the bees have collected the nectar.
In order for a bee to collect one kilogram of honey, it travels between flowers a distance equivalent to 11 times the circumference of the earth around the equator.
Benefits of bee honey:
Honey has many properties, as it is anti-bacterial and antiseptic, in addition to containing nutrients important to human health.
- Help in treating wounds and burns: Honey has been used since ancient times as part of alternative medicine for wound healing and treating burns. And in a study published in The Cochrane Library, it was found that honey may be really effective in treating burns and wounds, as it works to disinfect them. And according to the principal investigator of the study, honey has been resorted to since ancient times due to its low price.
- Reducing the period of diarrhea: It has been found that honey helps reduce the severity of diarrhea and reduce the duration of the infection as well. It is also very useful during the period of diarrhea, because it increases the amount of water and potassium intake, which are important for the person's body.
- Reducing the problem of GERD: One of the most important benefits of bee honey is that it helps effectively in reducing the problem of GERD, as it controls the reduction of the leakage of digestive juices from the stomach into the esophagus. This means it protects you from developing GERD and the bothersome symptoms that accompany it.
- Treating cold and cough symptoms: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends using honey as a home remedy for treating coughs and colds. It was also found that honey has an effective role in treating nocturnal cough, thus improving sleep quality during the period of infection.
- Fight infections.
- A good source of energy.
- Reducing high levels of fats in the body.
- Promote the health of the digestive system and protect it from various digestive problems.
- Maintaining oral and dental health.
- Good for skin and hair.
- Fight bad breath.
- Get rid of hiccups.
Regardless of the number of types of honey, the health benefit from it is very great. Honey makes you healthy. Eat honey in order to protect your health and the health of your children. From https://1paysless.com/ get it now